We provide step by step instructions to make the registration and sign in process easy for ADEL power users.
As a power user (as defined in the Power User agreement), you have access to the users’ data under your jurisdiction in the ADEL platform. We require all power users to register and sign in from the red ANTI-DOPING ORGANIZATION POWER USERS REGISTER AND SIGN IN button every time you access the ADEL account.
Please follow the steps below to register your account safely:
1. Go to WADA ADEL https://adel.wada-ama.org/
2. Click the green SIGN IN button located on the top right corner of the screen
3. From the Sign In window, click the red ANTI-DOPING ORGANIZATION POWER USERS REGISTER AND SIGN IN button, this will open the WADA system login page.
4. Click the Register button. Notice that you can also switch languages.
5. Complete all the fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Email - you must provide a valid email address.
- Password - must meets the minimum requirements
- Confirm password
Now take a moment to watch the recap video:
6. Click Register, a confirmation email will be sent by the system. You need to verify your email address to activate your account.
7. Access your emails and click the link to validate your account.
Important: Please take note that the link is only valid for 5 minutes.
8. Configure 3 security questions. When complete, click the Next button.
9. You will be directed to the ADEL platform.
10. You must accept and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use agreements.
11. Complete all the mandatory additional fields:
- Sport
- Country
- Age range
- What is your primary role in your organization?
- Course/Resource Language
12. Start your learning journey on ADEL. Welcome to clean sport!
Want to learn more about how to navigate your learning dashboard? Please continue to read this article.