If you have selected the role 05 - Anti-Doping Practitioners during registration, after signing in to ADEL, you will land on your customized learning dashboard page.
1. Welcome banner
2. My Profile: Click on the different tabs to change your password, view your activities, or modify information regarding your profile.
3. Leaderboard: Show your earned badges and your position among people in the same role level in the leaderboards as well.
4. ADO Capability:
- Code Implementation Support Program (CISP): Resources to help you implement the Code 2021. We encourage you to access the different language channels and use the resources the CISP team has created to help you be compliant with the 2021 Code.
- Global Learning and Development (GLDF): Information about the program, professional standards and role descriptors. (Important: Access to the GLDF training program is reserved for invited and registered participants only. )
5. ADEL Academy
- Athletes Education - Contains all courses and education programs for athletes at different stages of development (from the playground to podium)
- Athlete Support Personnel's Education - Contains courses and education programs for coaches, medical professionals, parents and others.
Notes: In each catalog, program/course display order is English first, French second and Spanish third, other languages follows.
6. Recently held webinars & Global Education Conference 2022 Resources
7. Under the spotlight: Showcases hot/new/popular course.
8. What’s trending? Displays newly published information or learning content related to new Code change or Prohibited List change.
Browse content in your preferred language
ADEL Helpdesk - Support, Translation and Power User Request: Visit the ADEL Helpdesk to find information about common issues using the platform, and find answers regarding course translation and how to become a power user (administrator) for your country, or sport. If you did not find the information you need, please feel free to submit your request.
ADEL Roadmap: Read about what the ADEL team is working on for new courses or education programs, and/or what the community is working on for existing courses translation. You will also find information for continuous improvement to the ADEL platform in general.
Privacy policy: Check how we keep your privacy data safe as well as terms and conditions.
Disclaimer: Please use the regulatory documents available in the agency website in case of discrepancy in any of the post materials.