If you have selected the role 01- Athletes during registration, after signing in to ADEL, you will land on your customized learning dashboard page.
1. Welcome banner
2. My Profile: Click on the different tabs to change your password, view your activities, or modify information regarding your profile.
3. Leaderboard: Show your earned badges and your position among people in the same role level in the leaderboards as well.
(Screenshot taken in Dec. 2023)
4. My Education Program: Displays the education programs or courses assigned to your role, e.g., an international level athlete will see the International Level Athlete Education Program displayed here.
5. Under the spotlight: Showcases hot/new/popular course.
6. What’s trending? Displays newly published information or learning content related to new Code change or Prohibited List change.
7. ADEL Academy - Explore all the education programs and resources for athletes from the playground to podium (Navigation by athletes stage of development)
Contains all the courses and education programs we offer for all athletes at different stages of development in sports. You will find different education catalogs for each stage explained below:
- Registered Testing Pool (RTP) Athletes
- International-Level Athletes
- National-Level Athletes
- Talented Athletes
- Youth Athletes
- Children and School Sport
- Recreational Athletes
- Major Events - Contains courses relevant to major events, e.g. Paris 2024 Olympics Games
- Athlete Support Personnel - For those who are interested in education programs available for the support personnel. It will open a new page and it contains courses and education programs for coaches, medical professionals, parents and others.
Notes: In each catalog, program/course display order is English first, French and Spanish after, with other languages follows.
8. Browse content in your preferred language
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Privacy policy: Check how we keep your privacy data safe as well as terms and conditions.
Disclaimer: Please use the regulatory documents available on the agency (WADA)'s website in case of discrepancy in any of the post materials.